Easy Access Account
Earn 4.18% AER (Variable)
- Earn interest on balances starting from £500 up to £200,000
- Withdraw up to £10,000 per day
- Available as a single or joint account
- Interest credited annually
- This account can only be opened in the branch or via postal application. If you would like to open an Easy Access Account online, please apply for the Digital Easy Access Account.

Easy Access Account
Earn 4.18% AER (Variable)
Key Product Information
The UBL UK Easy Access Account allows you to earn interest on your savings whilst having instant access to your money as and when you need it.
Regular, everyday savings when you may need to add or withdraw funds
Conveniently manage your account online or via mobile banking, making it easy to keep track of your savings and withdrawals
FSCS protection up to £85,000 for each eligible depositor
You wish to visit the branch counters to withdraw money from your account
Product Summary
What is the Interest Rate?
Can UBL UK change the Interest Rate?
What would the estimated balance be at the end of 12 months based on a £1,000 deposit?
Am I Eligible?
How to manage the account?
Can I withdraw money?
Interest Information
Can the Easy Access Account be held in joint names?
Is there minimum and maximum interest earning balance on Easy Access Accounts?
Easy Access Account
Ready to get started? Press the button to find out how.
By Post or Branch
You can open an Easy Access Account through the Branch or via postal application.
- Branch: Visit our branch Monday to Friday between 9:30am and 4:00pm, excluding Bank Holidays and our staff will be happy to help. You will need to complete the Application Form and provide either:
Original documents of your valid photo ID and proof of address dated within the last 3 months or;
Certified copies of your valid Photo ID and Proof of Address dated within the last 3 months.
- Post: Complete and return the Application Form, along with certified copies of your valid Photo ID and Proof of Address dated within the last 3 months to: FREEPOST: RUEE-STYR-XYKE, UBL UK, 2 Brook Street, London W1S 1BQ.
Please make sure that you read and understand the below documentation before you apply: